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Netscape Browser = Firefox + IE + WTF?

By on November 30, 2004 in Mozilla

Meet Netscape Browser…
Netscape Browser 0.5.6+
Now that you’ve been scared by the initial look… I’ll give you a minute to recover and visit the bathroom if needed………
Supposedly this is based on Firefox 0.9.3, which IMO was the worst Firefox milestone, pre-release or not. Though you can’t tell that Firefox is burried in there, behind the UI clutter. Absolutely everything has a option. Including closing a tab. (The tab bar context menu is 13 options.) What’s worse, you can select an “Display Like Internet Explorer” mode, which embeds IE in the browser. In place of Gecko. So you get the standards non-compliance *plus* all the security issues you might’ve been wanting to get away from.
BetaNews has more information about the Netscape Browser Prototype.
Henrik Gemal has posted some more screenshots of the horror on his blog.
Update: MozillaZine has an in-depth review of the new prototype.

5 Reader Comments

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  1. Doug says:

    I signed up to be a tester for this. Having seen the screenshots, I don’t think I’m gonna bother!

  2. Nieuwe Netscape

    AOL heeft het maar niet door. Alles wat in hun handen terechtkomt lijkt in pure stront te veranderen. Enkele weken geleden dumpten ze NullSoft en nu halen ze vreemde streken uit met Netscape, een b…

  3. Cloudless says:

    Do you know why the IEView Firefox extension is so popular? Because many websites only renders correctly in IE. The option to use “IE mode” in Netscape could benefit some users.

  4. Anonymous says:

    re: Cloudless
    You make the failure most people make. Firefox displays the web page like it is supposed to look (the author coded it that way), IE is the one not rendering it correctly.

  5. HeroreV says:

    Why did this show up in my feed reader today?
